How to Use Facebook to Grow Your Business

Facebook can be overwhelming.

I get it. I’ve been there and I have spent hours upon hours learning the *right* way to use Facebook. I know what works and what doesn’t.

I’ve learned the strategies that can help your business find new clients and customers but it took what seemed like forever. (Really, you can make a child quicker.)

I know as well as (or better than) anyone how trying to figure out and stay on top of what works with Facebook, can make someone really cranky (just ask my hubby).

I want to save you – no one wants you to be cranky.

Now, I’m happy to share my hard earned strategies, tips and tricks with you in a simple, easy-to-read, step-by-step guide. You won’t have to spend your precious weekend reading a 300-page out-of-date book. (And it most assuredly will be out-out-of-date, Facebook changes often and way faster than books can get published).

You need to understand the fundamentals of how Facebook works before you jump in. This eBook covers:

  • Why use Facebook for business
  • How to get signed up and what pitfalls to avoid
  • How to get seen in the News Feed
  • How often to post and what to post
  • Fan Page or Group and what the difference is

And, you will know all of this by page 14. Everything is covered quickly and thoroughly with screenshots. You don’t have to go to website after website trying to get the best advice – it’s all right here – in one place.

More things you will learn

This isn’t just some namby-pamby book about how to get signed up. There’s a lot of in-depth strategy too like:

  • How to build an engaged Facebook Fan base that will buy from you and spread the word about your business.
  • What are the best practices that will help you play by the “unwritten” rules
  • How to maintain your privacy
  • Essential settings to change to be able to interact with your clients and ways to organize Facebook so you don’t miss anything
  • How to Like other Pages as your Page and how it can help your business
  • How to connect Twitter, your website or blog to Facebook to streamline your updates and save you time
  • Facebook tracking tools to make sure you are getting a return on your investment of time
  • How to create events that can go “viral”
  • and much more

Now this book is mostly written by me. But Grandma Mary chimes in with her words of wisdom to spice things up a bit. She couldn’t resist adding her 2 cents (cranky or not).