Step-by-step Facebook Tutorial
Many of you are looking for a step-by-step getting started guide on Facebook. So I’ve taken my tutorials and organized them in a better fashion. Go through and see what you are looking for, you may need some things and not others. Take a look at these to get started and then if you really want to go in-depth, you may want to get my book How to Use Facebook to Grow Your Business.
Step 1 – Why Use a Facebook Fan Page for Business?
This is a good overview of why you need a Facebook Fan Page.
Step 2 – Creating a Facebook Page
In this video, I show you how to get your Business Page started and how it’s connected to your Personal Profile. Don’t worry, that’s normal – no one can see your personal stuff from your Page. Here’s the link to create your page
Step 3 – Navigating the New Facebook Page dashboard
The Facebook Page dashboard is an important area to get familiar with. It will show your stats, your settings and it’s where you can add Applications to make your Page all fancy-schmancy.
Step 4 – Liking and Commenting on Other Pages as Your Page
Now, you can Like another Page as your Facebook Page and comment on their Page as your Page. And Like a comment on a Page as your Page. So much Liking to do and so little time! But why is it good to Like another Page as your Page? Watch the tutorial to find out.
Step 5 – Facebook Fan Page Wall Setting
Here’s a setting you want to make sure you change so that you are seeing all your fan’s wall postings.
Step 6 – How to Import your RSS feed into your Facebook Wall
Here’s a nice little Facebook tutorial on how you can import your Blog RSS feed directly into your Facebook Wall. Whenever you have a new Blog post, it will automatically appear on your wall and on the walls of your Fans. So handy. I used to recommend the Facebook Notes Feature to do this but that got buggy and annoying.
So now I recommend using the Networked Blogs application. You can either import your RSS feed into your Fan Page or your User account. You can go directly to the application here: Networked Blogs. Post a comment if you have trouble, I had some issues getting it set up also.
Step 7 – How to Get a Custom Facebook URL
Once you have 25 Fans or “Likers” you can get a custom URL to make your page easier to remember and use. But be careful!! Watch the video to see how to set it for your page and not for your personal profile. You can’t change it later. Set your URL at
General Facebook Tips and Tricks
Here are a few videos on tips and tricks in Facebook that will help you use it.
Facebook Hide Feature:
Facebook Privacy Settings:
Facebook Faux Pas with the Wall – what can people see on your wall?
Why you might be missing Facebook updates – a sneaky setting to change.
Facebook News Feed vs. Live Feed
Facebook has done it again. Don’t they know we don’t like change? It’s very upsetting. But since they have gone ahead and done it, here are the details on what has changed in my handy video. You need to know the difference between the Live Feed and the News Feed. If you are looking at the News Feed all the time, you may be missing updates! Friend lists are much more important now that they have added the Live Feed and News feed. I will show you how to create friend lists in this video. Watch it quickly before Facebook changes again!