Yeeha I had some fun interviewing Ted Rubin, co-author of Return on Relationships. He was in Denver for some Social Media Shenanigans organized by the fabulous Joel Comm.
Ted gave a great talk on how to do social media right. One of the main takeaways was if you are going to have a presence on social media – you have to be social. When people comment or tweet with you, you need to tweet back.
He also stressed the importance of calling people by name on social media. He takes the time to look at their profile, find out what their first name is and maybe learn something about them. It’s so easy to make deeper connections these days when people list their interests on Facebook or LinkedIn!
Take a look at our quick interview here:
And if you want to really understand how to build relationships and your business on social media, go grab a copy of his book Return on Relationship – a must read!