Twitter Street Walking – part 2

Another installment of my Investigative Reporting on Twitter. I’m on Pearl Street in Boulder interviewing potential tweeters. I still did not find too many people tweeting. But stay tuned for the next installment when we do find some businesses who are tweeting...

Twitter Street Walking

Welcome to the first of a series of posts I’m going to be doing. I took to the streets to do some Investigative Reporting and it wasn’t pretty. I wanted to find out who was tweeting, what they were tweeting about and what they were wearing while tweeting....

Tweetdeck Follower Count

If you are using Tweetdeck to organize your Twitter followers, here is a handy tip. You can view the number of followers people have by going to the settings tab. Now I could have just posted instructions on this but that would have been boring – I wanted to...

Denver Twestival

What is Twitter all about? Connecting. That’s why you need to get to Tweetups, Twestivals, Twetworking whatever. Talk to people, meet new clients and this is an excellent way to form joint ventures.

How to Stop Tweeting from Facebook

Recently I linked my Facebook Fan Page to Twitter so I started tweeting everything I posted on my wall. Well, I couldn’t make it stop. I didn’t want to tweet everything and couldn’t find the setting. I only wanted to tweet some things and there...

What is Follow Friday on Twitter?

Follow Friday – Tuna Tuesday – what the heck are all these Trending Topics and Hashtags in Twitter? Here’s how you use Follow Friday. Find where the people are talking and 3 tips on the best way to do it.