You are a smart cookie. You have something to teach. Why not host a workshop? But how do you get started? First you need to be able to have a place where people can learn more about your workshop and register for it. I reviewed three sites that can help you set up the registration and gave you the pros and cons of each.
1. Meetup. This is a great site for connecting with people and finding local meetings and networking groups. You can also host your own Meetup for $45/three months. You can have as many as three groups with each account. But you can also charge for your events. All you need is a PayPal account and you will be all set to host your own workshops. A word of warning, many meetup groups are free so there is an expectation that most events are free here. So if you use Meetup for your workshop, I recommend you have a combination of free and paid events. Many people are browsing through Meetup so there is a good chance people will “stumble” upon your workshop.
2. EZRegister. This site will help you register your attendees and it is reasonable. Only a $1/ticket. You can create a very customized registration page that looks fabulous. Again, this site uses PayPal.
3. Eventbrite. Eventbrite has a couple of nice features including the option to embed the registration form in your website and the ability to have affiliates who can promote your website and earn a commission. The benefit to having affiliates is that other people are promoting your event to a wider audience and increasing your exposure. Who does not want to be more exposed? The fees can add up for a higher priced event since they charge 2.5% per ticket (up to $9.95) plus a 3% credit card processing fee (PayPal charges 2.9% so that’s almost even steven). But it can be worth it for the ability to add affiliates.
Watch my video for more pros and cons and to see the sites in action. Also, watch for my next post where I will talk about how to promote your workshop – the most important part. This is not a “build it and they will come” kinda thing!
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