Are you feeling cranky? I know I sometimes get a little cranky but you can’t work that way. You need to turn your mood around!
Here are 5 easy ways to get into a better mood.
If you are the impatient type and can’t watch the video (even though it’s a hoot), here are the cliff notes:
#1 Watch a Funny YouTube Video
Laughter is the best medicine! Find a comedian you like – one of my favorites is Maria Bamford and her YouTube series, or watch one of the millions of cat videos on YouTube.
#2 Take a Walk
Nothing can turn your mood around like getting a little blood flowing and getting into nature.
#3 Dance
It’s hard to feel cranky when you are getting your groove on. For some of my best moves, watch the video.
#4 Get to the Bottom of Why You are Cranky
Sometimes you think it’s one thing when it’s actually something else. You might be comparing yourself to someone else or be angry about something you can’t change.
#5 Give Some Gratitude
Don’t just think about it – send an e-mail or a thank you note to someone that has helped you.
Hope that helps and tell me what helps you turn your mood around in the comments below!
Love your alter ego! When we are feeling cranky, it is always great to get up and go and do something else. Love the dancing lol. I do it in the privacy of my own home. I usually use my hair brush as my microphone he he.
Getting to the bottom of what is really irritating you is best of all. We need to recognize wheat the heck is going on inside our head.
Gratitude – even just a smile at someone always works.
Giving something good to someone else always works for me!
I’ll add one – go and spend a few minutes with your pets if you have them. I will sometimes walk away from my office and go pet my dog, take her for a walk, etc. Always turns my mood around!