grandmaToday’s post is all about some Remarkable people I have connected with through Sonia Simone’s Remarkable Marketing Blueprint@SoniaSimone, the head Remarkable, has created some amazing content to help us market our businesses.

But what has been possibly even more useful is the forum.  It’s a warm, supportive place where everyone can get and give advice in a safe environment.  We cheer each other on, try and keep each other accountable and test each others products.

If you don’t have a place like this, find one.  Sonia’s Blueprint is closed for now but I would recommend getting on the list to get notification when she opens it back up.  There is also the Third Tribe which has a great forum for support.

Everyone needs a place to let their hair down -even if it’s blue.

@PamelaIWilson is the brains behind Big Brand System and she will make you look goooood with her amazing graphic design wizardry.  Her website headers are beautiful!

@CB4Wildlife aka Carole Brown, the Eco System Gardening master.  She teaches you how to make your garden green, wildlife friendly and beautiful.

@CandysBytes and @YolandaFacio – These two ladies teamed up to become Two Chicks at Home – a great site for tips on how to successfully work at home.  And it has a great Chicken theme.

@CatherineCaine – She is truly awesome and helps you make your web presence awesome through her Be Awesome Online blog.  Wonderful advice to help you get your website shiny.  Sign up for her newsletter!

@TheStudioSource aka Stacey Cornelius.  She is doing great things for artists who need help building their business.  Find her at The Studio Source.

@JoeThoron a website marketing smarty.  He has a Pre-advertising site check service that you should definitely take advantage of before sending traffic to your site.

@LexiRodrigo helps you sell more online with her fantastic writing, among other things.  Check her out at

@SusanJohnstone gets you through your resistance with her The Heart’s Voice blog.  She knows what’s stopping you – amazing!

Ugh so many more in that group that I could go on and on.  But I’ll save it for another Follow Friday.  Love you guys!