Grandma Mary says Charge What You Are Worth

Grandma Mary says Charge What You Are Worth

Are you wondering what you should charge as a consultant?  I’ve seen a lot of consultants undercharging for their services lately or worse, giving too much away! If you are just starting out as a consultant or are thinking about a services-based business it can...

Bite Off More Than You Can Chew…And Then Chew It

Today’s Pep Talk is inspired by a post I saw last week from The Bloggess called Rules for Life.  I love the Bloggess – she has a little bit of a potty mouth so you’ve been warned. I’ve always loved rule #12 and try to push myself as much as...

Blog Posts: They Don’t Have to Be Epic

Sometimes we over-think things.  We are waiting for the perfect blog post.  Sometimes we have an idea for a post but we think we need to make it epic.  So we wait until we have time to do it “right”. But it never happens. Here’s some advice.  Just...