
Are you wondering why businesses should be on Pinterest and how they can use it?  Well, help is here!  I interviewed my good friend Beth Hayden about her new book, Pinfluence:  The Complete Guide to Marketing Your Business with Pinterest.

We talked about why businesses should use Pinterest, how they should use it, and why it’s good for people who like hording.  We also let a few swear words fly so it got exciting!

Take a look at our interview here:



Then make sure you get some of Beth’s Pinterest goodies:
On Copyblogger:  56 Ways to Market Your Business on Pinterest

Free report from Blogging with Beth – 5 Stupid Mistakes to Avoid if You Want to Make Money with Pinterest

Beth’s Pinterest profile


And just in case you missed it, here are my articles about Pinterest:

Everything You Need to Know About Pinterest

Using Pinterest to Drive Traffic to Your Website


And you also may be interesting in learning more in Andrea’s hour-long interview with Beth.  They got really in depth into Pinterest there:  Andrea Interview Beth Hayden

What are your thoughts?  Are you using Pinterest?  Not sure where to dive in?  Tell us in the comments below!