One of my passions is helping people start a part time business as a social media manager. Because that’s how I started and I think it can be such a great way for moms (or dads) to stay home with their kids and provide some extra income to the family.
On our recent #SocialTalkLIVE video we talked about some of the keys to starting a part time business as a social media manager or consultant and working out of the home. It’s a challenge sometimes!
If you are not familiar with our SocialTalkLIVE show, we like to have a little fun. It’s Friday afternoon and we wear hats and wigs and get a little silly while talking about serious topics.
This week I was calling in from my family’s house in Chicago and luckily I was able to borrow one of my mom’s wigs – so now you know where I got it from.
Here are the major points we covered.
Tip #1 Understand your schedule and create your boundaries
When you have children at home and you are trying to work on the side, it’s challenging. I know when my kids were small, I only had nap times and some odd moments here and there to get things done.
So there was a lot of evening work and when I did have time, I had to be extremely focused at what I did.
A calendar management system helps. Schedule your time and don’t get distracted with other issues that crop up. Also use good tools to help you save time.
Phyllis has a great system around using your Google Calendar to really focus your time called
Obviously when you are starting out part time, you can’t get quite as much into your day. But making your kids a priority first helps you focus on your own priorities later when you need to get things done. I share a few stories about that in the video recording.
Tip #2 Figure out your niche and work in your passion!
When you niche you will naturally attract new clients. We talked about 3 ways to niche:
- Industry – health care, authors, restaurants, etc.
- Platform – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
- Skill – social ads, image creation, blogging, analytics
One of our students from Social Media Manager School, Janet Kennedy, has done a great job niching into the Health Care business and focusing on social media. She started her business part time and it has grown tremendously with a new podcast Get Social Health and she has become a real go-to expert in her field.
Tip #3 Work with people you love – especially since you have limited time!
Make sure you are working with the right customers who respect and appreciate what you do. It’s important to find the right clients as a social media manager since you have limited time.
If a client isn’t a right fit for you, it’s ok to say so.
We live in an exciting time. We can create a business that fits our schedule, working from home, and being with our kids! I wrote a post about why I do what I do – even with the late nights, some guilt, and some frustration – it’s totally worth it.
Enroll in Social Media Manager School.
And if you are looking for a great place to learn how to be a social media manager I highly recommend our online course that is now open until January 29th. We open up the school a couple times a year and it’s one of the best places on the planet to grow, start a business, and be with a fabulous group of 1500 other people doing the same thing.
Get all the details here: