by Grandma Mary | Dec 1, 2009 | archive, facebook
That’s right, you can’t directly invite the Fans of your Facebook Fan Page to an Event you create on your Fan Page. It’s not right! And it’s making Grandma Mary even crankier. But there are a couple of work-arounds. You can “Update”...
by Grandma Mary | Nov 4, 2009 | archive, facebook
I know these Facebook changes have thrown people off. I personally have had to up my meds since Facebook went with the Live Feed and the News Feed. In this tutorial I show you how to change your Facebook page so you are seeing just Status Updates. It just makes it a...
by Grandma Mary | Oct 26, 2009 | archive, facebook
Facebook has done it again. Don’t they know we don’t like change? It’s very upsetting. But since they have gone ahead and done it, here are the details on what has changed in my handy video. You need to know the difference between the Live Feed and...
by Grandma Mary | Oct 22, 2009 | archive, facebook, Getting Started
Still questions on why people should create a Facebook Fan Page for your business. I break it down for you in this video tutorial. It’s a smart thing to do. Here are some key points to consider: 1. Fan Pages are indexed in the search engines. People who...
by Grandma Mary | Oct 12, 2009 | archive, facebook
If you have an e-mail newsletter or special offer to get new subscribers to your e-mail list, you will definitely want to put an Opt-in box on your Facebook Fan Page. This handy little video shows you how easy it is to add. Now if you don’t have an e-mail list,...