Grandma Interviews Joel Comm

I had the privilege of sitting down with Joel Comm, author of Twitter Power: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time- among the many other things he does – and we talked about Twitter, Social Media and yodeling pickles.  He is a hoot! He’s doing a...

Don’t Use Facebook Like Twitter

I have a beef. I usually do. Listen up people – here’s a little Social Media Tip: Don’t use Facebook and LinkedIn like Twitter! People don’t want to see your crazy hash tags and all your retweets in Facebook. Just because you can update your...

Gary Vee – Crush It!

Last night I went to see Gary Vaynerchuk on his last stop of his Crush It Book tour. For those of you who haven’t heard of Gary Vaynerchuk, or Gary Vee as he’s known, he has used Social Media to catapult Wine Library TV, his video blog about wine, into one...

Social Media Pep Talk

Ok this post is partly inspired by my friend Melani Ward who has a great post on Twitter but it’s also somewhere we’ve all been in Social Media and problably business in general.  We compare ourselves to...