Growing your following is an important part of growing your company’s visibility. While having a large following isn’t everything, it is a factor in your success on social media.
Here are 3 quick tips for every platform on how you can grow your following. I also link to helpful articles to help you learn more about the techniques.
- Follow to get Followed – use Twitter lists, searches, and hashtags
- Tweet with influencers in your niche – the more you are seen, the better
- Retweet others (use a tool like Hootsuite rather than the Twitter interface)
Bonus tips: Participate in a Tweetchat regularly and follow everyone
- Use Facebook Ads – Typically $0.50-1.50/fan
- Target other active complementary Pages and post as your Page
- Regularly invite your audience – e-mail, invites, Twitter, LinkedIn
Bonus tips: Post great content that gets shared. Connect with influencers.
- Make 20-30 new connections/week
- Use the People You May Know tool
- Join Groups and connect with Influencers to come up in searches
Bonus tips: To grow company page, invite people to follow
- Post images that have “how-to” in the text overlay
- Cross-promote your Pinterest account from other social sites
- Pin regularly on the weekend and evenings (more activity)
Bonus tips: Use Promoted Pins, create a Profile or Board widget for website
- Use Ripples to find your tribe
- Do Hangouts on Air with established hosts
- Join vibrant Communities – Circle members (they will Circle back)
Bonus tips: Spend time there!
- Feature your YouTube videos on your site and have a Subscribe call to action
- Partner with well-known YouTuber in your niche
- Advertise on top 1% videos watch this video
- Use Hashtags
- Comment on photos
- Follow influencers and be active in their community
With all of these sites, the better content you share and the more you participate, the faster you will grow. And make sure you are actually talking with others rather than just posting your own content.
How about you? What are your favorite tips to grow your following online? Share them in the comments below.
Thanks for the Info Andrea it is useful and you are funny as Grandma Mary.
Thanks so much Peter!
The greater intersection you have with your prospects and resolve their issue, then surely you can have larger audience size of fan following.